In the last post, we have discovered how to augmente data on GPUs with Kornia. This post, we will we discover how to use DALI to accelerate deep learning.

We will work with the Segmentation Problem (Nail Segmentation). For that, we use Pytorch Lightninig to train model and use DALI to load data and do data processing. In the first and second parts we will recall Problem Description and Dataset. If you have followed previous posts, you can skip that part.

1. Problem Description and Dataset

We want to cover a nail semantic segmentation problem. For each image, we want to detect the segmentation of the nail in the image.

Images Masks

Our data is organized as

├── Images
│   ├── 1
│       ├── first_image.png
│       ├── second_image.png
│       ├── third_image.png
│   ├── 2
│   ├── 3
│   ├── 4
├── Masks
│   ├── 1
│       ├── first_image.png
│       ├── second_image.png
│       ├── third_image.png
│   ├── 2
│   ├── 3
│   ├── 4

We have two folders: Images and Masks. Images is the data folder, and Masks is the label folder, which is the segmentations of input images. Each folder has four sub-folder: 1, 2, 3, and 4, corresponding to four types of nail distribution.

We download data from link and put it in data_root, for example

data_root = "./nail-segmentation-dataset"

2. Data Preparation

For the convenience of training with DALI, we will convert png data into npy format and save all of informations of images and masks in a CSV file

index images masks
1 path_first_image.npy path_first_image.npy
2 path_second_image.npy path_second_image.npy
3 path_third_image.npy path_third_image.npy
4 path_fourth_image.npy path_fourth_image.npy

To do that we use two functions png2numpy, make_csv_file_npy in file.

  • png2numpy function helps us convert the png format into the npy format and save images and masks in data_root_npy folder.
  • make_csv_file_npy makes 2 CVS files train.cvs and valid.csv having the previous form and be saved at f”{data_root_npy}/csv_file” folder.

3. NVIDIA Data Loading Library (DALI)

DALI is open source library for decoding and augmenting images,videos and speech to accelerate deep learning applications. DALI reduces latency and training time, mitigating bottlenecks, by overlapping training and pre-processing. It provides a drop-in replacement for built in data loaders and data iterators in popular deep learning frameworks for easy integration or retargeting to different frameworks.

Let us discuss the difference between a Naive Deeplearning Pipeline, Kornia Deep Learning Pipeline and DALI Deeplearning Pipeline.

  • Naive Deeplearning Pipeline: The pre-processing of the data occurs on the CPU, the model will be typically trained on GPU/TPU.

  • Kornia Deep Learning Pipeline: The reading, resezing or padding data occur on CPU, the transform (augmentation) and model training ran on GPU/TPU. The transform is consider as an nn.Module. Then transform is the nn.Module object that forward input x of size $B\times C \times H \times W$ and obtain the output of size $B\times C\times H \times W$.

class ModelWithAugumentation(nn.Module):
    """Module to perform data augmentation on torch tensors."""

    def __init__(self, transform_module: nn.Module, model : nn.Module) -> None:

        self.transform_module = transform_module
        self.model = model

    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
        augmented_x = self.transform_module(x)  # BxCxHxW
        x_out = self.model(augmented_x)
        return x_out
  • DALI Deeplearning Pipeline: In the reading image, we have two components: encoding and decoding. With DALI library, we can read do encoding by CPUs and decoding by GPUs that work on batch. All other tasks will work on GPUs. We remark that the transform in DALI Pipeline works on data of several types: $B\times C \times H \timesW$, $B\times H\times W\timesC$. That is why DALI can easily be retargeted to TensorFlow, PyTorch, and MXNet.

The DALI Training Pipeline

DALI Library in the whole Pipieline.

4. Training the Segmentation problem with DALI and Pytorch Lighiting.

In this part, we will details how to do processing the data in DALI and train the model by Pytorch Lighiting.

4.1 Define Data Pipeline by DALI

We will define the processing data pipeline by using dali, instead of using

We first define new class: GenericPipeline that wraps the nvidia.dali.pipeline.Pipeline class

import nvidia.dali.ops as ops
import nvidia.dali.types as types
from nvidia.dali.pipeline import Pipeline

class GenericPipeline(Pipeline):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, num_threads, device_id, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id)
        self.kwargs = kwargs
        self.dim = kwargs["dim"]
        self.device = device_id
        # self.patch_size = [384,384]
        self.load_to_gpu = kwargs["load_to_gpu"]
        self.input_x = self.get_reader(kwargs["imgs"])
        self.input_y = self.get_reader(kwargs["lbls"])
        self.cast = ops.Cast(device="gpu", dtype=types.DALIDataType.FLOAT)

    def get_reader(self, data):
        return ops.readers.Numpy(

    def load_data(self):
        img = self.input_x(name="ReaderX")  # read X
        img = img.gpu()
        img = self.cast(img)
        if self.input_y is not None:
            lbl = self.input_y(name="ReaderY")  # read Y
            lbl = lbl.gpu()
            lbl = self.cast(lbl)

            return img, lbl
        return img

The initial input of GenericPipeline is:

  • batch_size: batchsize
  • num_threads: number of workers
  • device_id: gpu device
  • kwargs: the dictionary that has the infomations of parameters and train/valid data.
kwargs = {
            "dim": 2,
            "seed": 42,
            "gpus": 1,
            "overlap": 0.5,
            "benchmark": False,
            "num_workers": 4,
            "oversampling": 0.4,
            "test_batches": 0,
            "train_batches": 0,
            "load_to_gpu": True,

We now can define ValidPipeline and TrainPipeline based on the GenericPipeline


class ValidPipeline(GenericPipeline):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, num_threads, device_id, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id, **kwargs)
        # self.invert_resampled_y = kwargs["invert_resampled_y"]
        # if self.invert_resampled_y:
        #     self.input_meta = self.get_reader(kwargs["meta"])
        #     self.input_orig_y = self.get_reader(kwargs["orig_lbl"])

    def define_graph(self):
        img, lbl = self.load_data()
        img, lbl = self.resize_fn(img, lbl)  # reszie to inpput size (384)
        img, lbl = self.transpose_fn(img, lbl)

        return img, lbl

Here, we remark that define_graph is the function to do the data processing. For ValidPipeline, the flow of the data will be:

  • load_data
  • resize data
  • transpose data (convert image into the size of CxHxW)


Similar, we have the TrainPipeline

class TrainPipeline(GenericPipeline):
    def __init__(self, batch_size, num_threads, device_id, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(batch_size, num_threads, device_id, **kwargs)
        self.oversampling = kwargs["oversampling"]

    define some augumentations, for more augumentation, please read \

    def slice_fn(img):
        return fn.slice(img, 1, 3, axes=[0])

    def resize(self, data, interp_type):
        return fn.resize(data, interp_type=interp_type, size=self.crop_shape_float)

    def noise_fn(self, img):
        img_noised = img + fn.random.normal(img, stddev=fn.random.uniform(range=(0.0, 0.33)))
        return random_augmentation(0.15, img_noised, img)

    def blur_fn(self, img):
        img_blurred = fn.gaussian_blur(img, sigma=fn.random.uniform(range=(0.5, 1.5)))
        return random_augmentation(0.15, img_blurred, img)

    def brightness_fn(self, img):
        brightness_scale = random_augmentation(0.15, fn.random.uniform(range=(0.7, 1.3)), 1.0)
        return img * brightness_scale

    def contrast_fn(self, img):
        scale = random_augmentation(0.13, fn.random.uniform(range=(0.9, 1.1)), 1.0)
        return math.clamp(img * scale, fn.reductions.min(img), fn.reductions.max(img))

    def flips_fn(self, img, lbl):
        kwargs = {
            "horizontal": fn.random.coin_flip(probability=0.5),
            "vertical": fn.random.coin_flip(probability=0.5),
        return fn.flip(img, **kwargs), fn.flip(lbl, **kwargs)

    def define_graph(self):
        img, lbl = self.load_data()
        img, lbl = self.resize_fn(img, lbl)  # reszie to inpput size (384)
        img, lbl = self.flips_fn(img, lbl)
        img = self.noise_fn(img)
        img = self.blur_fn(img)
        img = self.brightness_fn(img)
        img = self.contrast_fn(img)

        img, lbl = self.transpose_fn(img, lbl)
        return img, lbl

For the TrainPipeline, we need more augmentations. The augmentation is defined in the define_graph function.

For the augmentation in DALI, we need to redefine all of transform functions. For more infomation, read the dali tutorial.

For the convenience, we will define the function fetch_dali_loader that will generate Pipeline (TrainPipeline, ValidPipeline) depends on the type of dataset.

def fetch_dali_loader(imgs, lbls, batch_size, mode, **kwargs):
    assert len(imgs) > 0, "Empty list of images!"
    if lbls is not None:
        assert len(imgs) == len(lbls), f"Number of images ({len(imgs)}) not matching number of labels ({len(lbls)})"
    pipeline = PIPELINES[mode]
    shuffle = True if mode == "train" else False
    load_to_gpu = True if mode in ["eval", "test"] else False
    pipe_kwargs = {"imgs": imgs, "lbls": lbls, "load_to_gpu": load_to_gpu, "shuffle": shuffle, **kwargs}

    rank = int(os.getenv("LOCAL_RANK", "0"))
    pipe = pipeline(batch_size, kwargs["num_workers"], rank, **pipe_kwargs)
    return pipe

Once we have the TrainPipeline and ValidPipeline, we can use them for the LightningWrapper to make the lightning data module.

4.2 LightningWrapper

Our LightningDataModule of Nail data is defined by

class NailSegmentationDaliDali(LightningDataModule):
    def __init__(self, data_root_npy: str, batch_size: int, csv_folder: str):

        self.data_root_npy = str(data_root_npy)
        self.csv_folder = csv_folder
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.train_csv = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.csv_folder, "train.csv"))
        self.valid_csv = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(self.csv_folder, "valid.csv"))

        self.kwargs = {
            "dim": 2,
            "seed": 42,
            "gpus": 1,
            "overlap": 0.5,
            "benchmark": False,
            "num_workers": 4,
            "oversampling": 0.4,
            "test_batches": 0,
            "train_batches": 0,
            "load_to_gpu": True,

    def prepare_data(self) -> None:

    def setup(self, stage=None):
        self.train_imgs = [os.path.join(self.data_root_npy, path) for path in self.train_csv["images"]]
        self.train_lbls = [os.path.join(self.data_root_npy, path) for path in self.train_csv["masks"]]

        self.val_imgs = [os.path.join(self.data_root_npy, path) for path in self.valid_csv["images"]]
        self.val_lbls = [os.path.join(self.data_root_npy, path) for path in self.valid_csv["masks"]]

        self.train_dataset = fetch_dali_loader(
            imgs=self.train_imgs, lbls=self.train_lbls, batch_size=self.batch_size, mode="train", **self.kwargs
        self.valid_dataset = fetch_dali_loader(
            imgs=self.val_imgs, lbls=self.val_lbls, batch_size=self.batch_size, mode="eval", **self.kwargs

    def train_dataloader(self):
        output_map = ["image", "label"]
        return LightningWrapper(

    def val_dataloader(self):
        output_map = ["image", "label"]
        return LightningWrapper(

  • Here in the setup function, we use fetch_dali_loader to get the datapipeline for the train and valid stages
  • train_dataloader and val_dataloader is defined thank to the LightningWrapper class
class LightningWrapper(DALIGenericIterator):
    def __init__(self, pipe, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(pipe, **kwargs)

    def __next__(self):
        out = super().__next__()[0]
        return out

Remark: The input of the model will be dicts of keys [“image”, “label”].

It means

input_batch = {"image": images, "label": masks}

Then we also need to slight modify the train loop (training_step) and the valid loop (validation_step) of the LightningModule.

def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
    imgs, masks = batch["image"].float(), batch["label"]

    logits = self(imgs)
    train_loss = self.loss_function(logits, masks)
    train_dice_soft = self.dice_soft(logits, masks)

    self.log("train_loss", train_loss, prog_bar=True)
    self.log("train_dice_soft", train_dice_soft, prog_bar=True)
    return {"loss": train_loss, "train_dice_soft": train_dice_soft}

Once we finish to define LightningModule and LightningDataModule, we can jump to the Trainer to run the training.

model = SegFormer(config.model.encoder_name, config.model.size, config.model.classes)

datamodule = NailSegmentation(

model_lighning = LitNailSegmentation(model=model,

trainer = Trainer(args)

For more details, we can find the full source code at github
